Negli ultimi anni, le ricerche scientifiche hanno sottolineato l'importanza dell'alimentazione nella prevenzione e nel trattamento delle malattie oncologiche.
Gli zuccheri in particolare possono favorire la creazione di uno "scudo protettivo" intorno alle cellule tumorali, rendendole purtroppo più resistenti sia al sistema immunitario che ai trattamenti oncologici tradizionali.
Il mondo delle diete è vasto e in continua evoluzione, con nuovi regimi alimentari che emergono regolarmente promettendo risultati rivoluzionari. Ma come si confrontano queste diete tra loro e quali sono i benefici e i rischi associati a ciascuna di esse?
Menopause is a physiological and natural transition, but with the right approach, it's possible to effectively manage the changes and associated symptoms. A combination of balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and inflammation management can significantly improve quality of life for every woman during and after menopause, promoting long-term well-being and health.
The arrival of the spring season brings bright days and milder temperatures. However, for some of us, spring brings along another less pleasant aspect: asthma and seasonal respiratory allergies. In this article, we will explore these conditions and share some strategies to successfully manage them.
Thyroid diseases can affect people of all ages, although some conditions are more common in certain demographic groups. In cases of thyroid diseases, it's important to also study the levels of inflammation from sugars and foods, which are strongly correlated with gland dysfunction.
Infertility is an emotional and medical challenge affecting millions of individuals worldwide. While the causes may be diverse and complex, one of the most promising research avenues in recent years has focused on inflammation and its impact on both male and female fertility.
To support the athlete during moments of maximum effort, some specific sports supplements, if chosen carefully, can be useful both to compensate for potential deficiencies and to provide the body and muscles with the essential substrates for optimal physical performance.
Nutrition can play a crucial role in preventing and counteracting inflammatory conditions and, consequently, cardiovascular diseases. In this article, we delve into the key role of proper nutrition in promoting a healthy and resilient heart.
La dieta di rotazione, che è alla base della metodologia GEK Lab, è un tipo di dieta che alterna, nell’arco della settimana, le diverse classi di alimenti secondo principi rigorosamente scientifici.
La sua peculiarità è di non escludere dai pasti nessuno specifico alimento.