Hypertension, commonly referred to as "high blood pressure," is one of the most widespread and dangerous conditions globally.. While many are aware of risk factors like obesity, poor diet, and unhealthy lifestyles, the link between low-grade chronic inflammation and hypertension is less well-known.
The rotation diet, at the core of the GEK Lab methodology, is a type of diet that alternates different food classes throughout the week based on strictly scientific principles. Its peculiarity, compared to other diets, is not to exclude any specific food from meals.
La dieta di rotazione, che è alla base della metodologia GEK Lab, è un tipo di dieta che alterna, nell’arco della settimana, le diverse classi di alimenti secondo principi rigorosamente scientifici.
La sua peculiarità è di non escludere dai pasti nessuno specifico alimento.
For a long time, ESR and CRP have been the primary biomarkers for assessing inflammation. However, these "acute-phase" proteins have limitations in specificity and sensitivity for identifying low-grade inflammation. Other biomarkers, such as BAFF and PAF, which are linked to specific immune pathways, are more accurate for this type of inflammation.