Negli ultimi anni, le ricerche scientifiche hanno sottolineato l'importanza dell'alimentazione nella prevenzione e nel trattamento delle malattie oncologiche.
Gli zuccheri in particolare possono favorire la creazione di uno "scudo protettivo" intorno alle cellule tumorali, rendendole purtroppo più resistenti sia al sistema immunitario che ai trattamenti oncologici tradizionali.
Burning behind the sternum, stomach heaviness, or regurgitation in the mouth may indicate the presence of a condition called Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). This disorder is far from rare and affects about 15% of the population in industrialized countries.
Menopause is a physiological and natural transition, but with the right approach, it's possible to effectively manage the changes and associated symptoms. A combination of balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and inflammation management can significantly improve quality of life for every woman during and after menopause, promoting long-term well-being and health.
While it was long believed that obesity was simply linked to dietary excesses, such as excessive consumption of junk food, it has actually been demonstrated that a low-grade inflammatory condition, along with an unbalanced diet, plays a fundamental role in the development of this condition.
Alzheimer's, a form of progressive dementia, represents one of the most pressing challenges for global health. While this disease was once primarily attributed to genetic factors and aging, we now know that lifestyle and diet play a crucial role in its development.
Fasting blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin are commonly used parameters to diagnose diabetes. However, normal values of these traditional indicators do not allow us to detect sugar-related damage early, which always precedes the subsequent development of diabetes in a detectable manner.
Arthritis is a widespread condition that affects joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscle fascia, causing pain and stiffness. Regardless of the underlying causes, all forms of arthritis are linked to local or systemic inflammation.
Preventing diabetes by identifying genetic predispositions and lifestyle factors can significantly add healthy years of life. A personalized medicine approach is crucial to enhance quality of life and well-being, allowing occasional indulgences without compromising health.