Hypertension, commonly referred to as "high blood pressure," is one of the most widespread and dangerous conditions globally.. While many are aware of risk factors like obesity, poor diet, and unhealthy lifestyles, the link between low-grade chronic inflammation and hypertension is less well-known.
With the arrival of summer, many people start thinking about the dreaded "swimsuit test." This time of year often sees an increase in last-minute diets, which typically lead to a loss of fluids and muscle. However, it's important to approach weight loss with strategies based on scientific evidence to ensure sustainable and healthy results.
Menopause is a physiological and natural transition, but with the right approach, it's possible to effectively manage the changes and associated symptoms. A combination of balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and inflammation management can significantly improve quality of life for every woman during and after menopause, promoting long-term well-being and health.
The rotation diet, at the core of the GEK Lab methodology, is a type of diet that alternates different food classes throughout the week based on strictly scientific principles. Its peculiarity, compared to other diets, is not to exclude any specific food from meals.
The arrival of the spring season brings bright days and milder temperatures. However, for some of us, spring brings along another less pleasant aspect: asthma and seasonal respiratory allergies. In this article, we will explore these conditions and share some strategies to successfully manage them.
La dieta di rotazione, che è alla base della metodologia GEK Lab, è un tipo di dieta che alterna, nell’arco della settimana, le diverse classi di alimenti secondo principi rigorosamente scientifici.
La sua peculiarità è di non escludere dai pasti nessuno specifico alimento.
Arthritis is a widespread condition that affects joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscle fascia, causing pain and stiffness. Regardless of the underlying causes, all forms of arthritis are linked to local or systemic inflammation.
The protein BAFF (B cell Activating Factor) has been known to the scientific community for well over a decade, and numerous studies have elucidated its involvement in various processes as well as its potential relationships with inflammation, including inflammation related to diet.
For a long time, ESR and CRP have been the primary biomarkers for assessing inflammation. However, these "acute-phase" proteins have limitations in specificity and sensitivity for identifying low-grade inflammation. Other biomarkers, such as BAFF and PAF, which are linked to specific immune pathways, are more accurate for this type of inflammation.